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Merivale brings Alastair Little to Australia

It’s a case of Britannia rules at Merivale with the group helping renowned British chef Alastair Little, known as the godfather of British cooking, set up his own pop-up restaurant at Level 1, Hotel CBD.

Little Bistro will be open from April 23 until late 2018.

The menu there will focus on the seasonal menu, both smaller dishes and main plates. The menu dishes will reflect the cooking simplicity which Little is renowned for. These will include a roast crown of duck with an apple, potato and rosemary galette, frisee salad and a vegetable tagine with cous-cous and a chermoula relish.

A self-taught chef, Little is an archaeology graduate who  started out in 1965 at the Old Compton Wine Bar in London’s Soho, before moving on to launch a string of other successful venues across London. 

Little says his approach to food is about “keeping it simple.

As he told delicious “something as fuss free as chicken liver pate or apple tart when executed perfectly can make people sit up and pay attention.”

He says working with Merivale on a pop-up is better than having a permanent fixture as it is an appealing way to transition into the local food scene. 

“Working with Merivale is a dream proposition for me,” Little told delicious. “With the support of the group, the staff in place and the venue ready to go, I get the chance to take Sydney by storm, or at least a small section of it, and can focus on what I love most – creating and evolving recipes, and working closely with the people I teach to cook them.”

He said the unique approach that Australians have towards flood made it easier for him to make the trip Down Under.

“There is no solemnity about Australian restaurants, no hushed temples of gastronomy just enjoyment, often raucous enjoyment. This lack of prejudice and preconception appeals greatly to me.”


Leon Getler 29th March 2018