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Restaurant charges $20 for a window seat

Mosman restaurant Ormeggio at The Spit is modelling itself on airlines, charging customers extra for a window seat.

Customers wanting a table with water views are charged an additional $20 per person, to be paid at the time of booking.

"We receive a lot of requests for window tables and the restaurant manager prioritises these based on a first-in-first-served basis," Anna Pavoni, who co-owns the two-hatted Italian restaurant with her husband, chef Alessandro Pavoni told

"A lot of customers were saying 'we will only confirm if you can guarantee the window'. Now we are able to do it."

Some luxury hotel restaurants occasionally charge a fee to guarantee a window table on Valentine's Day.

But this is believed to be the first time a Sydney restaurant has introduced an optional window-seat surcharge for regular service.

It might be a trend and the industry is watching to see if it catches on.

Some are dismissive.

"We see tables as a gift and a right, not a privilege," Jeremy Courmadias, general manager of The Fink Group told "We allocate our tables on a first-come-first-serve basis, while also rewarding our regular customers' loyalty with the best possible table we can provide."

The comment from the Fink Group is significant as it counts Sydney Harbour-facing restaurants Bennelong and Quay in its portfolio.

But Ms Pavoni defends it, saying more than 400 diners have paid to guarantee a window table at Ormeggio since the optional surcharge was introduced in July.

And she believes others could soon be doing the same.

"I think more [restaurants] should do it," she told "Look at things that are now considered normal practice in the restaurant industry such as taking credit card details to confirm a reservation, or group-booking service charges. Things that used to cause a reaction and are now considered normal."



Leon Getler 3rd April 2018.