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Viral restaurant receipt was a fake

An alarming restaurant receipt message went viral after the server shared it on social media.

But the real story behind it tells us a lot.

The story happened when awaiter shared the shocking customer receipt. Its message was blunt and to the point: “We don’t tip terrorist”.

Source:  facebook


The 20-year-old server Khalil Cavil posted it to Facebook, saying he was left “sick to his stomach”.

“I share this because I want people to understand that this racism, and this hatred still exists,” Mr Cavil wrote on Facebook.  “Although, this is nothing new, it is still something that will test your faith.”

The result was that it went viral.

The trouble was that the receipt was fake.

Saltgrass Steakhouses, the Texas restaurant chain, banned a customer over the message.

Now it says it has learnt the story was made up.

“After further investigation, we have learned that our employee fabricated the entire story,” Terry Turney, the restaurant’s chief operating officer said in a statement. “Racism of any form is intolerable, and we will always act swiftly should it occur in any of our establishments. Falsely accusing someone of racism is equalling disturbing.”

Mr Cavil subsequently admitted in an interview with a Texas newspaper the Odessa American that it was just a lie. And he couldn’t say why he did it.

“I did write it. I don’t have an explanation. I made a mistake. There is no excuse for what I did.”

When people responded to his Facebook post, they offered him money. Now he says it’s being returned.

“I’m sorry. I deeply made a huge, big mistake,” he said. “And I’m in the process of getting the help that I need.”

Saltgrass Steakhouses has refused to to explain the details around Mr Cavil’s departure from the workplace.

“All I can say is he’s no longer with the company,” spokeswoman Colleen Wagner told the Washington Post.


Leon Gettler - 26th July 2018