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Restaurateurs address issue of wage theft

Wage theft has become a hot button issue for restaurateurs with the Fair Work Ombudsman launching investigation into some of Melbourne’s most high profile eateries in response to allegation they have underpaid staff.

The union claims 75 per cent of hospitality workers are underpaid.

Nonetheless, the issue was not on the agenda of the Restaurant Leaders’ Summit.

Instead, a panel discussion titled "staffing for success" focused on issues such as how to afford training, keeping apprentices motivated and dealing with toxic behaviour in the workplace.

But some restaurateurs are speaking up.

Chef and co-owner of the MoVida restaurant group, Frank Camorra, said wage theft is now an issue being discussed by his peers.

"People are realising that things needs to be up front and ... I think operators are realising there's consequences [for] not doing things properly," Mr Camorra told the ABC.

He said it had become such an issue that he was now double checking his books to make sure his restaurants were compliant.

"A lot of us are chefs or operators that don't come from a business background and we've grown into this industry and we need to improve our own skills or get those skills into the business," Mr Camorra told the ABC.

"I think working out exactly what's required is pretty essential, especially once you get to a certain size."

Mr Camorra expects the law to be introduced by the Victorian government targeting employers who underpay their workers with penalties of up to 10 years in jail will revolutionise the industry.

Economist Veronica Fil, who co-owns South Melbourne fine dining restaurant Lume with her partner, chef Shaun Quade, says the industry needs to change.

"It's something that's been entrenched into the culture for decades and decades — chefs themselves have been growing up in this industry where they get screamed at, yelled at, low pay, high pressure, high expectations,” Ms Fil told the ABC.

"It's time we did something about it, not just talked about it anymore."


Leon Gettler - 2nd August 2018