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Northern pub managers in court over free drinks

Two former managers of a Cape York pub have been charged for misusing funds by helping themselves and staff to $25,000 in free drinks.

The two received suspended jail terms for misusing funds by helping themselves and staff to $25,000 in free drinks.

The maximum penalty for the offence is a maximum of 12 years jail.

The two sent to the Cairns District Court were John Solomon Tomun, 54, and Patrick Pryce Gibuma, 46, who were the manager and assistant manager of the Pormpuraaw United Brothers Sports Club.

They pleaded guilty to fraud committed between 2013 and 2014.

The court was told staff were allowed two free drinks after a shift.

Crown prosecutor Gelma Meoli told the Cairns District Court that it became practice to party on sometimes until 2am siphoning booze from both the damaged and new stock and that Tomun and Gibuma would join in the drinking sessions.

It resulted in a total estimated loss of $25,000.

“What eventuated was that at times there were up to 15 staff members after most shifts and they were consuming not just their allocated two free drinks,” Ms Meoli said.

At the time of the offenses, Gibuma was vice-president of the club’s board and an elected Pormpuraaw Shire councillor.

Defence barrister Michael Dalton, for Tomun, said this was not calculated dishonesty or sophisticated deception. Instead, it was “a startling lack of judgment that strayed into mismanagement”.

Gibuma’s barrister James Sheridan concurred.

“They simply didn’t draw a line,” he said.

Judge Dean Morzone gave them both a stern reprimand.

“You can see the serious position you’ve both found yourself in,” Judge Dean Morzone said.

“It seems that your misplaced generosity had overwhelmed your proper exercise of judgment and obligations as employees to the club.”

The two were convicted and jailed for two years. However, the terms were wholly suspended for three years.


Leon Gettler - 23/8/18