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Lentil as Anything launches ‘pay as you feel’ supermarket

Vegan restaurant chain Lentil as Anything has opened a new vegan supermarket in Melbourne under a “pay as you feel” model. 

The food available is donated by third-party suppliers, with the supermarket looking to make a “revolutionary contribution to society: actively preventing food waste, thereby helping heal the environment, and supporting a non-profit community-based food charity”, according to its website.

“Australia currently has a multi-billion dollar a year food waste crisis, and The Inconvenience Store, along with the volunteer food rescue team Food Without Borders, wants to make a difference,” said project coordinator Astrid Ryan. 

None of the food is past its sell-by date, although some may be aesthetically compromised. To avoid hoarders taking advantage, the store bags are limited to six kilos per customer. 

“We wanted to provide people with access to nutritious fruit and vegetables which when people are in financial or difficult situations it’s probably the thing they have the least access to,” said Ryan.


Sheridan Randall, 28th August 2018