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Industry welcomes nutrition and health report

The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) has welcomed the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) report on food and nutrition launched today by Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Ageing Catherine King.

The publication brings together key components from all sectors of our food and nutrition system in one volume of information and provides a necessary update to the previous version released in 1994.

AFGC’s Acting Chief Executive Dr Geoffrey Annison said the report is a comprehensive and a timely insight into food and nutrition from paddock to plate in Australia.

“This report provides valuable information and highlights linkages across the food system from food production, environmental considerations to the health and wellbeing of Australians,” Dr Annison said.

“This report highlights the success of key industry-driven actions to assist consumers such as Daily Intake Guide (DIG) front-of-pack labelling and our work to reduce children’s exposure to non-core food advertising through the Responsible Children’s Marketing Initiative (RCMI).”

However, Dr Annison believes the reliance of food intake data from 1995 is a critical shortcoming of the report.

“The Australian Health Survey data due in 2013 will provide much more relevant information on population food and nutrient intake and AFGC looks forward to this data being used to inform future collaborative activities in the preventive health area,” Dr Annison said.

“It is also disappointing that the report does not highlight in detail key preventive health initiatives such as the Food and Health Dialogue as a valuable mechanism for reducing intakes of risk associated nutrients such as sodium and saturated fat across the major food groups,

“Significant work has been undertaken through the collaboration of government and industry to improve the foods we consume. This complements and augments other partnership projects underway such as the Government's consultative project on front of pack labeling,

“The Australian food and grocery industry is committed to ensuring a safe, productive and nutritious food supply and welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with government in all areas to improve food and nutrition in Australia.”


Source: Australian Food & Grocery Council, 18 July 2012