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Specialist food retailers the focus of new campaign in South Australia

The Fair Work Ombudsman will audit up to 250 specialised food retailers in South Australia over the next four months as part of a new education and compliance campaign.

The campaign will focus on bakeries, poultry and smallgoods retailers, butchers, greengrocers and fruit and vegetable stores in suburban Adelaide and the regional centres of Mount Gambier, Port Pirie, Berri, Port Lincoln and Whyalla.

Fair Work inspectors will check employers are paying workers in-line with minimum wage rates, penalty rates and minimum engagement hours.

Inspectors will also check employers are complying with record-keeping and pay slip obligations.

Fair Work Ombudsman Nicholas Wilson says the industry was selected for proactive auditing following a rise in inquiries and complaints to the Fair Work Infoline.

“This campaign is an ideal opportunity for specialised food retailers to ensure they understand their obligations under workplace laws,” Mr Wilson says.

Mr Wilson says the campaign aims to increase awareness of workplace laws, including Modern Awards and the National Employment Standards.
“We are committed to providing free education, assistance and advice to make it easier for employers to comply with workplace laws,” he said.

“If inspectors find minor or inadvertent contraventions, their preferred approach is to educate the employer and assist them to voluntarily rectify the issue.”

Mr Wilson says the Fair Work Ombudsman has a range of user-friendly resources to assist employers to understand their obligations under workplace laws.

Five free seminars on workplace laws will be run as part of the campaign:

  • Monday July 23, 10am - Noon, Level 4, 33 Richmond Road, Keswick
  • Tuesday July 24, 10am - Noon, Level 4, 33 Richmond Road, Keswick.
  • Wednesday July 25, 7 - 9pm, Grand Tasman Hotel, 94 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln.
  • Wednesday July 25, 7 - 9pm, Royal Port Pirie Yacht Club, Main Road, Port Pirie.
  • Monday July 30, 7 - 9pm, Sundowner William MacIntosh Motor Lodge, Messamurray Road, Naracoorte.

Anyone interested in attending a seminar should contact Graham Warren by email at or call 0402 894 079  to register.

Employers or employees seeking information and advice about workplace laws should visit or call the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.


Source: Fair Work Ombudsman, 18 July 2012