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Press Food & Wine named Australia's hottest value restaurant

Andy Davies and Simon Kardachi
Owners Andy Davies and Simon Kardachi from Press Food & Wine. Picture: Brenton Edwards
Source: AdelaideNow

Less than a year since opening, one of Adelaide's favourite CBD venues, Press Food & Wine was last night named Australia's hottest value restaurant.

Press also won the top spot for SA in the Hot 50 Restaurant Awards run by the Australian Magazine

The Waymouth St contemporary eatery headlined the city as a value for money location at the top end of the Australian dining landscape.

The Hot 50 judges said Adelaide generally offered much better value than the rest of the country.

"Press looks and feels like a much more expensive restaurant and its award reflects the eating democracy that is SA as a whole," the judges said.

The Advertiser's own dining critics also recognised Press as the state's best new restaurant in its Adelaide Food Awards last November.

Its award citation praised the venue as "a standard bearer for the relaxed, egalitarian style of eating that seems to suit most occasions these days".

The restaurant, owned by several partners including Hyde Park's The Pot, and Melt owner Simon Kardachi with chef Andrew Davies, offers a range of eating-out styles over two levels, from small snacks such as a $9.50 pork bun to a five-courses tasting menu for $65 or the popular suckling pig feast with all the trimmings - that feeds up to 10 people - for $350.


Source: Adelaide Now, 23 July 2012