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Wine thieves raid restaurant and leave nappies in return

Thieves in Melbourne have made off with hundreds of bottles of wine from a high-end restaurant and left two packets of nappies behind in their place.

About 260 bottles of wine, valued at an estimated $10,000, were stolen from a storeroom at Navi restaurant in Yarraville earlier this week.

The wine was kept in a cage in a storage area below the restaurant, which is also used by tenants of an apartment building, according to owner and chef Julian Hills. The thieves helped themselves to the wine and also took bicycles belonging to residents.

They then returned to break into the restaurant four hours after the storage theft, while police were attending the complex, but left empty handed when the alarm was triggered.

The mystery of the nappies is simply the thieves emptying a box to put the wine in, Hills said, adding that his partner is expecting a baby.

“They must’ve known I was about to have a baby,” he said.

The restaurant’s premium wines remained safe as they were stored in another location.

Sheridan Randall, 8th August 2019