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Foodservice jobs in demand over next five years

Foodservice Jobs in Demand

Waiters and chefs are among the top 10 projected most in-demand jobs for the next five years, according to the 2019 Australian Jobs report issued by the Department of Jobs and Small Business.

The accommodation and food services industries employed 900,100 workers as of November 2018, with that figure expected to grow by nine per cent. Cafes, restaurants and takeaway services are expected to grow the most, by 11.9 per cent in the next five years. 

Accommodation and food services is the seventh largest employment industry in the country, with 60 per cent of the workforce employed part time. 

Waiters top the employment list within industry at 129,500 nationwide, followed by kitchenhands, bar attendants and baristas and chefs.

“One explanation for this is that the increasing use of technology has led to the automation of routine tasks which, whether mental or physical, were previously the domain of medium-skill workers,” the report stated.

“Meanwhile, technology may complement the type of non-routine knowledge-based work undertaken by higher-skill workers, improving their productivity and hence the demand for such workers.”


Sheridan Randall, 28th August 2019