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Food delivery drivers to be covered under Victoria’s dispute resolution system

UberEats and Deliveroo drivers in Victoria will soon be able to take disputes to the Victorian Small Business Commission (VSBC) for resolution following amendments to the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act.

The reforms mean contract gig economy drivers will be protected from safety, income and business risks.

Minister for Industrial Relations Tim Pallas said under the current act, contractors are “left with little recourse to pursue legal action if they wanted to contest issues”.

“Regulation in the industry simply wasn’t working, we’ve strengthened the Act so that those who do the wrong thing face serious penalties,” he said.

Hirers and brokers in violation of their obligations will face fines of over $16,500 as a body corporate or up to $10,000 as an individual.

Cases from that date which cannot be solved through mediation will pass through to the VSBC for arbitration. Wage Inspectorate Victoria will then enforce the outcome.

The reforms will be implemented from May 2020 after a “comprehensive information campaign” runs to ensure all relevant parties are aware of the changes.



Sheridan Randall, 16th September 2019