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Pubs to sell tap beer in bottles under new agreement

Carlton & United Breweries has come to an agreement with the federal government that will allow consumers in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth to buy tap beer from their local pubs in bottles.

The brewer is donating 20,000 resealable bottles to pubs across the three cities after the federal government agreed that excise would not be applied to tap beer put into bottles and sold it to customers.

The initiative will allow pubs and hotels that have been forced to close to bottle the thousands of litres of tap beer sitting in their kegs for consumers to buy as takeaways.

CUB chief executive Peter Filipovic said the pub industry “is reeling from the recent shutdowns".

"Our resealable bottles mean beer lovers can still enjoy tap beer and support their local in its hour of need,” Filipovic told The Sydney Morning Herald.

“It'll also give many people their first taste of tap beer from the comfort of their own home.”

All Nations Hotel owner Bob O’Kane said the Richmond pub was “making the best fist of it that we can” during the coronavirus shutdown.

"Selling takeaway tap beer is a big break with pub tradition but it will help ensure cashflow as we bunker down and try to see this crisis out and keep as many staff employed as possible," he told The Sydney Morning Herald.



Sheridan Randall, 21st April 2020