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Chef vents over cancelled UberEats order

A restaurant worker has vented his frustration at the growing number of customers who cancel their food delivery order after the food has been prepared.

Posting on Reddit, restaurant worker RyuuAraragi highlighted one occasion where a customer cancelled a $270 order at the last minute.

"Customer ordered all this food on UberEats and cancelled the order the moment I finished making everything," he said.

The food included ramen, fried chicken, pork dumplings, pork buns and beef curry packed into 13 takeaway containers.

While UberEats covers the costs for the restaurant for these types of cancellations, the chef said it was the principle of the act that irked him.

"Imagine making almost $300 worth of food and then riiiiight when you finish the order, the customer cancels on you and you have $300 of food that's just gone to waste," he posted.

UberEats appears to have recently tightened its cancelation policy, allowing customers to cancel up until a restaurant has accepted the order.

The food delivery giant’s policy now states that if the restaurant has already started preparing the food “we will be unable to issue a refund”.


Sheridan Randall, 11th June 2020