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Privacy concerns over venue data collection of patrons

Consumers and civil liberties groups are voicing concern over the way venues are collection personal information as part of an easing of Covid-19 restrictions.

Cafes and restaurants are required to collect customer details in case contact tracing is required, but many are questioning how the information is being stored and whether it is secure.

The COVID Safe Checklist requires venues to keep contact information for all customers, workers and contractors, including names, addresses and mobile phone numbers for at least 56 days.

While the information is to be "captured and stored confidentially and securely", many businesses are struggling to adapt and are often resorting to just writing the information down on paper or in spreadsheets that are visible to other people.

"These bars, clubs and (other businesses) are going to be collecting a large amount of personal information," said Queensland Council of Civil Liberties president Michael Cope.

"We think they need to be more specific. They need to go into detail about making sure there is limited access to them and the public doesn't have access to them."

Speaking to the ABC, Gaye Williams, from The Shop cafe in Coolum, said she was told by Queensland Health that the method she was using to store customer information in was an "invasion of privacy".

"We did have a book and had it ruled up,” she said. “We thought that was a great thing to do.

"Now we put their name and address on the back of the order and we put the details in a brown paper bag."

A spokesperson for Queensland Health said inspectors were doing spot checks but the aim was to "educate and advise".

Guidelines for businesses developed by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner say customers need to be informed that information is being collected, that it is stored it in a safe place away from public view and that the information is destroyed once it is no longer necessary.



Sheridan Randall, 17th June 2020