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Travel searches hardest hit of any sector says Yellow research

Research released today by Yellow of consumer social media habits during COVID-19 shows the travel industry was the hardest hit of any sector. 

The research was conducted by Yellow (formerly Yellow Pages) in January (2,000 people) and replicated in July (1,000 people).

In January 65% of both men and women used social media to search for information on holidays, travel and accommodation. In July that had dropped 22% for women to 43% and 19% for men to 46%.

The second hardest hit sector was entertainment. In July social media searches by women had dropped 18% to just 45% with men dropping from 5% to 47%.

Women also stopped looking for music in their droves with just 32% doing so in July compared to 47% six months earlier. Men dropped just 3% - from 53% to 50%. 

When it came to looking for movies, the percentage of men actually increased – from 52% to 56% - but again women were down 12% from 60% to 48%. This was despite the lack of new movies in the market. 

Hospitality was another sector hit hard with looking to buy searches going down 14% for women – 60% to 46% - and by 13% for men – 41% to just 28%.

Sensis (the owner of Yellow) Chief Marketing Officer, Hayley Jovanovic, said it wasn’t surprising that travel had been the hardest hit sector. 

“What did surprise us was that women fell away so much more than the men. I think that may be because women tend to be the ones that tend to do research whether it is for holidays or entertainment,” she said.




Sensis, 27th July 2020