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No room for a full house as poker tournaments left in limbo

The resumption of pub poker in NSW could be on the cards, as the NSW poker community bands together to appeal the NSW government’s ban on the sport.

The ban, put in place by health officials to prevent the spread of Covid-19, has now been in place since March when governments put a ban on all non-essential businesses and activities.

While the community has been responsive to government directives, an indefinite ban on poker tournaments is starting to wear thin.

However, this community will need to allay certain fears. Poker tournaments and events were shut down as all players use the same cards, chips, sit close together and talk with each other. Star City in Sydney have closed all tournaments for 2020.

The casinos knew the dangers and, even when they re-opened with social distancing and sanitisation protocols in place, kept poker rooms closed.

Following a series of COVID-19 outbreaks in mid-July, restrictions were further enforced.

Tours that were touted to begin in September were once again shut down.

Notably, The Australian Poker Tour has planned an 11-tournament series on the Gold Coast for the first weekend in September. COVID-19 protocols had been put in place, with social distancing, sanitisation, limited players at each table, online registration, and temperature checks all accounted for.

Suffice to say, the tournament was called off, with the New South Wales government  issuing orders to various poker leagues to immediately pause any and all events as they are constituted as being a “group booking, and all of these people are there for a common purpose.”

Under NSW law, bookings in NSW cannot exceed 10 people unless the event is a wedding, funeral or corporate event.

The National Poker League is attempting to have its status overturned. A recent statement by the League states: “During this hard time of Covid-19, NPL has been working with both the NSW Licensing police and the Australian Hotel Association (AHA). Our latest updates from both is that all poker events in NSW should be paused effective immediately.

“We are currently working with both groups as well as other leagues in Australia to get a clear guideline of running poker events in NSW and hope to have something soon.”

The league also stated: “We are currently working with both peak industry groups (ClubsNSW and the AHA), as well as other major poker providers to get a clear guideline of running poker events in NSW and hope to have a framework for running live poker events that satisfies the public health order.” 

There are currently no tournaments scheduled, however all leagues are willing to work with each other to find a resolution and bring poker tournaments back to the pubs and clubs.

The pubs are also supportive, but understandably are not willing to risk a $5,500 fine to host a tournament at this stage.



Irit Jackson, 31st August 2020