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Man who complains of chest pains goes to the pub instead of quarantine

A 53-year-old Perth man may become the first Australian to be fitted with a GPS tracking device after skipping hotel quarantine and going out to a pub. 

The man returned to WA on Friday night after visiting family in Queensland and re-entered the state without the now required pre-approval.

After complaining about non-coronavirus related symptoms, the man was taken immediately to hospital by ambulance.

Upon treatment, the man was instructed to wait at the hospital for transport to take him to hotel quarantine, but wait wasn’t on his agenda.

Instead of following the quarantine directions given to him, he checked himself into a backpacker facility in Northbridge and then had drinks at a pub.

The man who cannot be named for legal reasons, was located at the pub a little while later by police and put into high security hotel quarantine. Police had informed him that he would be charged via summons with failure to comply with direction. 

Police Minister Michelle Roberts said she was not pleased that the man was able to enter the state without the required pre-approval.

“They shouldn’t be able to get on a plane to Perth if they don’t have a G2G pass – that’s effectively where the problem starts,” Ms Roberts said on Sunday. 

She said that in general, anyone without the pass would have been denied entry and sent back at their own expense, however as he was complaining of chest pains he was sent to hospital. 

“He’s proven he is worthy of no trust whatsoever. As a consequence, we are progressing to potentially be able to put an ankle bracelet on him,” Ms Roberts said.

It’s reported that the man who was tested for COVID-19 received a negative result, but his behaviour in not following quarantine directions has meant the pub unnecessarily needed to close for a thorough clean in the time that he was awaiting results.

He isn’t the only one found to be doing the wrong thing. 

It has also been reported that other pub-goers from that day went to other entertainment venues after being told by police to go home and self-isolate.

“If you’re asked by police to do something, I would urge people to do it,” Ms Roberts said.

“Have a look at what’s happening in Victoria, have a look at the number of people who have died there. 

“It’s irresponsible not to follow a police direction.”

The man will appear in Perth Magistrates Court at a later date.




Irit Jackson, 31st August 2020