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Take 2: Star Casino proposes new Pyrmont Hotel

Star Casino management this week announced their desire to build two towers in Pyrmont. 

The proposed towers would be constructed at the site where a 237-metre-tall hotel proposal by Star was previously denied.   

The proposal is for two towers of 110 and 180 metres.

Star notes that it has taken into consideration the criticism of its earlier tower and have come up with a proposal that will be “a compelling step forward for Pyrmont and NSW”.

The north side of the site would be the location of a 110-metre hotel development with a signature restaurant and other eateries.

The south side of the site, would house the 180-metre tower which would consist of a second hotel and apartments. It would also consist of a restaurant, bars in the podium and retail stores. 

Ethos Urban has prepared a report detailing the proposal, along with Star’s concerns with regard to planning principles. 

Notably, the report suggests that some detailed principles established in the Urban Design Strategic Framework prepared by Hassell in July 2020 are unsuitable.

In particular, the concept of “a stepping down of building heights from the peninsula to the harbour edge” to protect the historic character of the peninsula. 

Ethos’ report claims this is counterintuitive to creating a “innovative, creative and cultural precinct and an engine room of the Harbour CBD”.  

“Put simply, the intersection of these two principles would prevent The Star Sydney from contributing toward the economic optimisation and growth of the area,” the report notes.

“We therefore question the balance between the delivery of ‘ridgetop village character’ and the ‘significant renewal [of sites at the] harbour edge’ with the other key design principles established in the Hassell Urban Design Strategic Framework, such as heights stepping down to the water and protecting the amenity of streets and spaces.” 

In July, the state government released its draft place strategy and expressed some concerns. 

“The Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy must not become an exercise in retrofitting controls to justify the Star Casino’s inappropriate tower,” Sydney mayor Clover Moore said at the time.” 

The draft place strategy noted that Star City should not be treated as state significant and council should retain full control over planning authority. 

The government has received around 135 submissions on its place strategy document during a period of public consultation from 31 July to 13 September.



Irit Jackson, 30th September 2020