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Victorians urged to get on the beers early on Fridays

Melbourne restaurant owners are entertaining the idea of “Fab Friday” where workers in the city would finish work by 4pm each Friday, with public transport into the CBD also free on those days.

The Property Council of Australia is proposing that state and local governments introduce this plan, which would see councils launch festivals and events to entice Melbournians into the city and “to get out and about and make the most of their Friday afternoon”.

Executive director of Property Council Victorian, Danni Hunter, said the proposed date would coincide with the upcoming school holidays.

“We’re calling on CBD bosses to introduce a 4pm knock-off pledge, encouraging workers to leave the office together and either go for a walk through the city or enjoy a cheeky after-work drink,” said Ms Hunter.

Deputy Premier James Merlino said it would be up to individual companies and businesses to make the decision to finish work early on those days. He also stated that free transport wasn’t in the state government’s plans.

Melbourne restaurant owners believe the restaurant industry is in desperate need of help.

The owner of Chin Chin restaurant, Chris Lucas, told NCA NewsWire, “There are lots of good ideas floating around, but what we really want is a dissemination of those ideas and we need some action now.”

According to Becco owner, Simon Hartley, the industry wasn’t just suffering from a lack of diners but a lack of staff too.

“Our biggest problem is staff – no one can get staff – you ring up any restaurant and they’ll tell you the same thing. That’s why a lot of restaurants are closed down for breakfast or they shut on Mondays.’



11th March 2021