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The cost of QLD’s latest lockdown could be huge

A potentially lucrative Easter weekend for the Brisbane hospitality industry, has changed dramatically due to the latest snap lockdown.

The three day ‘circuit breaker’ has left many businesses concerned about the amount of revenue they might lose, prompting many businesses to call for permission to trade on Good Friday.

It is feared this current lockdown could cost pubs and accommodation providers more than the $100 million blow-out experienced during Queensland’s January lockdown.

The lockdown is one of several factors affecting Queensland’s hospitality industry.

Thousands of interstate tourists have had no choice but to cancel their Queensland school holiday plans and this, together with the end of JobKeeper, could be detrimental to many businesses.

The Tourism and Transport Forum’s Chief executive Margy Osmond told Today numerous Queensland businesses are "teetering on the edge of the precipice".

Ms Osmond said nearly all states and territories have announced varied responses to the Brisbane cluster and the differing health measures and travel restrictions are of major concern.

"There are no uniform responses ... travellers and businesses have just been left confused by all this," Ms Osmond said.

Reports suggest that Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland executive, Amanda Rohan is calling on the state government to extend trading hours to Good Friday.

Ms Rohan supports the decision for a 3 day lockdown, but "from a business perspective we know that businesses will be impacted not only from the loss of trade, but also from the stock losses they have already purchased to last them over the three days leading into Easter.

"It really does hit with businesses costs and now with JobKeeper ended yesterday there is no safety net for businesses, or their staff."



Irit Jackson, 31st March 2021