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Violent rapper has his jail sentence reduced

A rapper who was captured on CCTV carrying out a horrific attack at a Sydney pub has had his prison sentence quashed, meaning he could walk free from jail a year early.

Dahcell Ramos, rapper with the controversial rap group OneFour, was jailed for a maximum of 10 years in late 2019 after attacking a man with a hammer at a western Sydney pub.

In July 2018, Ramos, known by stage name ‘Celly’, along with a group of men, left a victim lying unconscious on the ground in a pool of blood. Ramos was captured on CCTV using the hammer to strike a man in the head repeatedly before stomping on him at the Carousel Inn Hotel in Rooty Hill.

At a sentence hearing earlier this month, the rapper’s lawyers argued that his sentence was excessive compared to the others involved.

The 22-year-old appealed the sentence.

In addition to the pub brawl sentence, Ramos was also completing a five year sentence for an armed robbery he committed in 2018.

The Court of Criminal Appeal this week quashed both sentences and imposed an aggregate eight year jail term.

His non-parole period was also slashed to four years and nine months.

Ramos will be eligible for release on 7 June, 2023.


Irit Jackson, 1st April 2021