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Millions lost in three day Perth lockdown

CEO of Restaurant and Catering Australia Wes Lambert, estimates that Perth’s sudden three day lockdown will cost hospitality businesses in WA close to $25 million in lost revenue.

The snap lockdown was imposed due to a man testing positive to Covid-19 after completing 14 days quarantine at the Mercure Hotel.

The man unknowingly had the virus when he passed it onto a woman who he stayed with after leaving the hotel.

According to Mr Lambert, a snap lockdown right before Anzac Day long weekend meant over $7 million worth of produce that was ordered by businesses would need to be donated or thrown away.

"Because it was Friday afternoon … they would've already been prepping for the weekend, they would've been making their stocks and soups and they would've already been grazing things," Mr Lambert said.

"It's not like you can just say, 'OK let's turn the key on the door and save that inventory till Tuesday when we can reopen’.”

Mr Lambert said he understood the need for the government to act so swiftly, but recovering that loss would be impossible. He also believes more needs to be done to support the hospitality industry.

"To throw away millions of dollars of produce, we'd be calling on the West Australian government to give some sort of relief or grant to help them recover from this loss.

"It's the events, mainly the function events, that end up being the worst affected," he said.


27th April 2021