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Queensland hospitality wants the buffet back

Could we self-serve buffets back in Queensland’s hospitality and tourism venues?

We will if industry operators have their way.

Buffet style venues were off the menu for diners when the pandemic hit as they were deemed COVID unsafe.

However, Wes Lambert CEO of the Restaurant and Catering Industry Association says safety isn’t an issue as there is no COVID transmission in Queensland.

“Why don’t we re-open buffets? We need to get them back on the menu, because social distancing is nearly gone, density quotients area getting relaxed and relaxed,” Lambert told radio station 4BC.

“It is absolutely time to bring back the buffet so that events, functions weddings, business events, restaurants that historically have buffets can get back to business with fewer staff.”

Bringing the buffet back could be a solution to the issue of staff shortages in the hospitality and tourism industries.

Just last month Hospitality Directory reported that the hospitality sector was pushing for the Morrison government to introduce a “COVID recovery worker visa” to assist in the staff shortages that many businesses are currently experiencing.

Last week we reported that pub baron Craig Laundy was having difficulty trying to fill skilled and unskilled labour positions within his pub empire.

This issue is widespread throughout Australia and Queensland has been on the front foot, with the state government creating the work incentive scheme, which offers eligible workers $1500 in cash, up to $250 in travel vouchers and low-cost accommodation to take up tourism jobs in regional Queensland.

Bringing the buffet back could certainly be another solution to solving staff shortage problems.

It would also help businesses get back on their feet, particularly catering businesses who relied on the buffet at weddings and other density rich events.

Lambert says we need to learn to start living with COVID and buffets provide a great test case in that equipment cam be turned on and off if restrictions are suddenly tightened.

In light of this Lambert says having buffets back on the menus is a natural, progressive step to finding a new COVID normal.


26th May 2021