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Food services jobs take a massive hit in NSW lockdown

The first half of July has not been kind to workers in NSW.

One in five employees has now lost their jobs during this time period due to the ongoing lockdown – which has now been going for over six weeks.

The problem is now so dire that banks have offered deferrals to over 10,000 borrowers throughout the state.

A report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that there was a 4.4 per cent drop in the amount of NSW workers paid through the single-touch payroll system by the ATO in the two weeks leading to 18 July 18 – leading to a 2.4 percent decline nationally.

A 9 per cent drop was seen nationally in the accommodation and food services payroll jobs, with a 19 per cent drop in NSW.

Nationally, the arts and recreation sector had losses of 4.5 per cent, with an 18 per cent drop in NSW.

Data shows that the total number of payroll jobs in Greater Sydney has dropped by 5 per cent.

Joanne Masters, Chief economist at Ernst & Young said as a result of the drastic Covid-19 health measures in Sydney there was “clearly a hit to the labour market”.

Further details of job losses will be available on 19 August when the official labour force data is due.




Irit Jackson, 9th August 2021