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Gold Coast resort owner orders staff to get vaccinated

A Gold Coast resort has ordered staff to get vaccinated by November in a desperate bid to get the tourism industry going again.

Management at Paradise Resort Gold Coast is hoping other hotels will follow in their footsteps and assist in the recovery of the travel industry.

Owner of Paradise Resort, Dr Jerry Schwartz, said a staff questionnaire revealed around 98 per cent of their 500 employees were in favour of being vaccinated as it is seen as “the only real way out of the pandemic”. 

“It’s just common sense really,” Dr Schwartz said.

“All of our guests either have children or are children themselves and there is a huge issue at the moment with preventing the spread of the virus.

“However, we know that children under-12 cannot be vaccinated, and so to ensure the welfare of both our guests and our staff, we need to insist on mandatory vaccination, with the priority being for any staff who interact with guests, and then all staff working across the hotel.” 

Dr Schwartz said for those unwilling to get vaccinated, the hotel will try to reposition them into roles that don’t involve any contact with guests.

As one of Australia’s biggest independent accommodation operators with thousands of staff across Queensland, NSW, Victoria and the ACT, Dr Schwartz is desperate to kickstart the tourism economy.

Dr Schwartz hopes to have staff across all his hotels vaccinated in the future.




Irit Jackson, 7th September 2021