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58% of Australians will steer clear of venues that let in unvaccinated people: Glow survey

As the divide grows between those who are vaccinated and those who aren’t, new research from Glow shows that nearly six out of 10 Australians will avoid any venue or business that allows unvaccinated people to come in. 

The survey of 1,200 Australians, conducted as part of Glow’s social and environmental research program Catalyst, revealed that 58% of respondents would avoid businesses that do not stick to the new rules regarding vaccine-mandated entry. Only 20% of the respondents said they would not avoid such venues, with 14% not fussed either way. 

In a surprising twist to the Catalyst results, men were significantly more likely to care about a venue’s certification compliance – with 62% saying they would avoid relaxed venues, compared to 54% of women.  

Age also threw up some interesting findings, with Gen X respondents (aged from 45 to 54) proving the least worried about unvaccinated Australians – with 23% saying they wouldn’t avoid not-compliant venues, and an additional 17% saying they didn’t care.  

Perhaps less surprisingly, those living in metropolitan areas (60%) were more likely to avoid businesses who let unvaccinated people in – compared with 55% of those in regional and rural areas.  

Those with incomes above $75,000 were more likely to avoid non-compliant venues compared with those who earned less than $75,000 (61% to 57%). 

In a more predictable finding, 10% more parents with children said they would avoid ‘law-bending’ venues than those without children – a total of 62% compared to 51%. 




Glow, 21st September 2021