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Hospitality industry could hire skilled migrant workers in a matter of weeks

Australia may see skilled migrants entering the country by the end of the year according to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.

Due to border closures, Australia has suffered a skills shortage in industries such as hospitality with many businesses offering massive wages and sign-on incentives to get local workers on board.

On Monday morning, Frydenberg spoke on the The Today Show saying the federal government wants skilled workers “to come in before the end of the year.”

From November 21, full vaccinated Singaporeans will be permitted to enter Australia without quarantining.

“We want to extend that more broadly before the end of the year,” said Frydenberg.

“Of course we want international tourists and students as well. That work is under way. We’ll open those borders when it’s COVID safe to do so. Clearly the first step has already been made.”

Western Australia has proclaimed it will only open its borders when vaccination rates reach 90 per cent, which may not be until February 2022.

“My view is that Western Australia should not be any different to any other state that has opened up,” Frydenberg told Sunrise. 

“They have tourism businesses that rely heavily on interstate travel and those borders being open and of course we want to see those borders open as soon as possible which means that 80 per cent vaccination rate, not at the higher vaccination rate.”




Irit Jackson, 9th November 2021