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Are robots the answer to restaurant staff shortages?

The owner of Sydney’s Matterhorn restaurant has received death threats after employing a robot as a waiter to address staff shortages at the venue. 

The restaurant in Turramurra spent $28,000 on a high-tech robot named Bella that carries plates and takes orders.

The restaurant’s owner Liarne Schai said while many customers have had positive things to say, not everyone was happy with the use of such technology in a restaurant.

“We had an email saying I was part of a right-wing prefecture and that I was promoting robots taking over the world,” she said.

“We also had a phone call from some crazy saying ‘I heard you had a robot and I hope you die a horrible cancerous death’.

“But apart from that the response has been fantastic.”

Ms Schai said after struggling to find staff due to the shortage of workers brought on by the pandemic and international border closures, the robot had been a lifeline for the restaurant.

“We’ve really struggled to find staff and one night we had to close because we couldn’t fill shifts,” she said.

Robots are being added as staff in several venues across Paramatta.

Ms Schai believes if the skill shortage within the hospitality industry isn’t addressed quickly more businesses may follow suit.




Irit Jackson, 3rd February 2022