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Restaurant worker fired for “disturbing” war message

A staff member in a Shepparton restaurant has allegedly been fired over an “unprofessional” act where they wrote a “disturbing” message on a chalkboard outside the restaurant.

The message outside The Deck encouraged patrons to bet on the conflict in Ukraine and to pick a winner between Russia and Ukraine.

Management shared a statement to their Facebook page saying action has been taken against the “inappropriate and thoughtless wording” and that the staff member no longer works for them. 

They also requested that patrons don’t “take it out on front of house staff”, saying it was the actions of one person and “not the people serving your drinks or cooking your food”. 

Even though the restaurant has attempted to rectify the situation, social media users have continued to criticise the restaurant, threatening to boycott the venue.

“Nice try blaming this on one person when there's a whole team there,” wrote one person on Instagram. 

“Pathetic and moronic. Will never step foot back inside this place again. Take a long hard look at yourselves and your behaviour,” one wrote on Facebook. 

“I’m sorry but management would’ve had to be involved in this, management MAYBE made it up. Since when does a waiter/waitress get all the say in what goes on boards?” another questioned.




Irit Jackson, 28th February 2022