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Community anger over bigger than expected Whale Beach restaurant

Size does matter, especially when it comes to the proposed $16.5 million redevelopment of an old apartment block into a 170-seat eatery. 

The Cassar family has come under community fire for the proposed eatery at Whale Beach due to confusion about the number of patrons increasing from 64 to 170 in the building on Whale Beach Rd. 

There have been over 100 complaints submitted to the council including the fear of traffic congestion near the beach due to higher numbers of patrons, reduction in local parking spaces and increased noise in the area. 

Anthony Cassar said the confusion stems from a misinterpretation of the proposal. 

Plans include two eatery locations — a smaller one at the Whale Beach Rd entrance and a larger premises at ground level on Surf Rd. 

A total of 170 patrons was to be spread across the two premises which would be run by the one restaurant business.


Council had other ideas

“The council requested us to consolidate the two premises into one, on the ground floor,” Mr Cassar said. “It would help contain the noise beneath the building. 

“There was always going to be places for 170 patrons, but instead of in two locations, they will be consolidated into one, on Surf Rd.” 

According to Mr Cassar, the commercial premises on Whale Beach Rd would most likely be leased to a real estate firm or a business such as a beauty spa. 

“We are not property developers, I’m not a restaurateur,” Mr Cassar said. “Members of the family will be living in the apartments so it’s in our interests that we don't have noise that disturbs the neighbours.

“We are not asking for anything more than has already been approved or allowed under the planning instruments.”



Irit Jackson, 6th April 2022