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Pubs, clubs and restaurants in Queensland freed from vaccine mandate

The Queensland premier has announced that the vaccination mandate for most venues including pubs, cafes and restaurants will be scrapped within a week, meaning patrons won’t need to show proof of vaccination when they enter a venue anymore. 

Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk announced these restrictions would be relaxed from 1am on 14 April. From that time, will be open to everyone regardless of their vaccination status. 

“The venues include pubs, clubs, cafes and restaurants, theme parks, casinos and cinemas, weddings, showgrounds, galleries, libraries, museums and stadiums,” Ms Palaszczuk wrote on Twitter.

Vaccine requirements will still be applicable to visitors and workers in vulnerable settings such as hospitals, aged and disability care, prisons, schools and early childhood centres.

According to Ms Palaszczuk, the restrictions had slowed the spread of coronavirus and gave Queenslanders time to get vaccinated. 

“More than 90 per cent of Queenslanders aged 12 and over have been fully vaccinated,” she said. 

“The chief health officer advises we can now safely ease these settings and still maintain a high level of protection.

“The restrictions we had in place did their job, keeping our community safe and encouraging vaccinations.” 

Chief health officer John Gerrard said there was “solid evidence” that Queensland had moved beyond its second wave transmission peak.

“Hospital admissions will lag a bit but I expect to see these fall sometime within the next seven days,” he said.

“It is clearly because of vaccination the impact of this virus on the Queensland community has been relatively mild.”




Irit Jackson, 7th April 2022