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Controversial Sanctuary Cove restaurant liquidated

A controversial Sanctuary Cove restaurant, which was ordered to shut down last year for not abiding by health directions in relation to Covid vaccine mandates, has gone into liquidation. 

Artichoke Restaurant was placed into liquidation, following a raft of missteps from restaurant owner Grant Madgwick.

In February, Madgwick, founder of Artichoke vowed to re-open the restaurant’s doors after it was fined almost $7000 and ordered to close under the Public Health Act. 

According to company records, Madgwick, 53, ceased as the company’s director and shareholder on March 2 and was replaced by Sydney resident Jamyson Taylor-Leigh Curthill.

The liquidator, Jason Bing-Fai Tang of Cor Cordis, was contacted by The Bulletin for information about the debts owed by the company and the reasons for its liquidation.

The Bulletin was unable to contact Madgwick, who was accused by a former staff member of abandoning the city.

In the past month, Madgwick has created two new companies located in Forrest Beach, 100 kilometres from Townsville. Neither Meatloaf Australia nor Roots Catering has a registered ABN.

Mr Madgwick said in February he lost a substantial amount of money during the earlier stages of the pandemic. 

At the beginning of the pandemic, Madgwick said he suffered from a fungal infection called scedosporium prolificans and was too scared to get vaccinated despite prevailing medical advice.

The forced closure of the business was the restaurant’s last straw.




Irit Jackson, 13th April 2022