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COVID restrictions ease in Victoria as restaurants breathe a sigh of relief

Victoria is set to de-mask on Saturday morning, a move that has the state’s hospitality industry breathing a sigh of relief.

Victoria’s health minister Martin Foley announced several restrictions will be lifted this weekend including mask mandates for retail and hospitality as well restrictions for the vaccinated only economy.

The move has been welcomed by executive chef at King and Godfree Matteo Toffano, who, like many other others in the industry, has battled staff shortages due to restrictions.

“We’ve been through quite a long journey here in hospitality and knowing that we don’t have to wear a mask, especially inside the kitchen, is a game-changer,” Toffano said.

Restaurant manager Laura Alessi is another who is excited by the changes.

“It’s like a weight lifted off our shoulders ... We can finally smile again. I can wear make-up again,” she said with a laugh.

With unvaccinated patron to be allowed back into venues and check in mandates lifted, it is hoped that staff abuse will also subside and morale will lift. 

“People forget their phones and it’s our fault. I’ve had a few staff members quit because of the abuse. I’ve also had a few staff members cry. There’s not much we can do, we’re just following the rules,” Alessi said.

Despite the general positivity, some restaurant owners are taking a cautious approach.

Lee Ho Fook owner and head chef, Victor Liong said, “I’m glad we’re at the stage where the government feels like we can lift all these restrictions ... But we’re still living in a pandemic.

“I feel like there needs to be a certain level of caution ... My opinion on this is for collective safety.”

The one restriction that has been crippling the industry is the close contact isolation rules, which have also been lifted.

Scott Pickett has called the rules a nightmare for business increasing staff shortages, however he now believes a common sense approach can now be taken as Australia enters the flu season. Pickett said staff would be encouraged to “take whatever precaution [they] feel comfortable with”.

“Everybody has just got to be aware of the greater good.”

Heartattack and Vine barista Casey Skinner said the days of overzealous mandates are over.

“We haven’t really had a lot of good news in hospitality recently. We’ve sort of been excluded from all the easing of restrictions up until this point ... Now we can finally get back to doing our jobs as it was intended.”




Irit Jackson, 20th April 2022