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Pandemic era hotel bills back in the spotlight as a state of origin funding fight looms

Pandemic era hotel bills are back in focus, with NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey threatening to deduct money from payments owed to Queensland.

According to Mookhey, the Queensland government owes NSW $105 million from pandemic related hotel quarantine bills.

He told 2GB’s Ben Fordham that the NSW government was pursuing the money through the GST carve-up and that if it wasn’t forthcoming, he would "reserve the right" to deduct what was owed.

"I don't want to create unnecessary acrimony with the Queensland government, I want them to pay their bills," he said. 

However, Mookhey claims the money was written off by the previous government and he is "not optimistic" about getting it back. 

Mookhey will also pursue hotel bills accrued in the same period by individuals during the pandemic.

The NSW government has sent a warning to individuals that it could take money from their bank accounts or wages.

Mookhey has already directed Revenue NSW to touch base with people who'd received the warnings.

"They're on standby to work with these people," he told Fordham.

The government has waived or reduced debts for about 7000 people.

Hardship provisions are in place for those who are struggling to pay.

Pandemic Treasurer Dominic Perrottet had an agreement with other state treasurers that each state would foot the bill for their residents returning from overseas. 

However, it was later agreed that the travellers themselves would have to pay the bill, estimated to be around $3000 for two weeks quarantine.



Jonathan Jackson, 3rd August 2023