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Popular Japanese chef’s Senpai restaurants go into liquidation

Japanese chef Chase Kojima will close his two Senpai restaurants and depart his position as executive chef at hatted Pyrmont restaurant Sokyo.

The popular chef redefined the Sydney food scene, when in 2011 at age 29, he became the founding chef of The Star’s upmarket Sokyo restaurant. 

Kojima brought an edgy Japanese food experience to his work, influenced by his time at Nobu and by his father’s tutelage.

Outside of building Sokyo’s reputation, Kojima introduced bunless rice burgers to the Sydney palate and launched his Senpai brand in Chatswood and Burwood, under the Senpai brand. 

Senpai Dojo is now listed by ASIC as in liquidation.

“At this stage both restaurants (Chatswood and Burwood) are closed,” Joint liquidator John Refalo of insolvency practitioners Moore Australia told Good Food. “While we are looking at options, it’s a liquidation, which generally means it’s terminal.”

A report is now being finalised, which will outline what creditors are owed. No estimate has been given.

Kojima brought the first ramen omakase to Sydney when he opened Chatswood’s Senpai Ramen in March 2022 and help The Star retain its prestigious chef’s hat, with the Good Food Guide 2023 praising Sokyo’s balance of “tradition and inventiveness”.

The Star confirmed it had parted ways with the popular chef.

“This decision was reached by mutual consent and will see Chase pursue other opportunities,” a Star Spokseperson said.

Sokyo continues to trade as usual, with The Star thanking Kojima for his hard work in outlasting other highly regarded restaurants.



Jonathan Jackson, 11th September 2023