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Guard keeps cool as shots fired at Brisbane and Logan pubs

Queensland has been rocked by two violent armed robberies, with a security guard having a gun held to his head at a Brisbane South pub.

Three men demanded money as they lay siege to the Rocklea venue. They fired a shot into a wall and struck the security guard before fleeing the scene in a white-coloured vehicle.

The security guard escaped injury.

Police are now investigating a string of robberies in Brisbane and Logan that occurred early on Friday morning.
The Rocklea CCTV footage shows the guard remaining calm under enormous pressure, as two of the three men pointed their guns at him.

The footage shows two of the thieves standing watch at the door while the third man runs into the pub.

“This is of concern to police. So Logan and Acacia Ridge CIB are working together on this matter so we can bring those offenders to justice,” Detective Acting Inspector Paul Fletcher said.

About an hour later around 2.30am, the same group of men targeted another licensed premises at Park Ridge.

They left empty handed after firing a shot into the door.

The white VW sedan was around 3.45am.

“(These offences) are very serious and there’s firearms involved, which police take very seriously because of the risk to the public,” Fletcher said.

“Please don’t approach these people and you can contact police immediately on triple-0.”


Jonathan Jackson, 16th October 2023