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Price of a café made babycino angers social media mob

A $4 baybicino has angered the social media mob, who slammed a NSW café for charging the non-caffeinated beverage at the same price as a cup of piccolo.

“Seriously?! I understand inflation and the costs of running a small hospitality business but do you really need to charge $4 for about 50mL of milk?” the mum who paid for the child’s drink said in a facebook group.

“I have never known anyone ever to order a babycino only, there’s always coffees (and money) being made already with the order. In our case, $38.

“We don’t go out much but is this the norm now?”

The mum took a picture of three coffee cups on the wall of the café, which showed priced at $8 for a large, iced latte or adult milkshake, $7 for a small iced latte or kids milkshake and $4 for a babycino or piccolo.

The pricing was defended by a long-serving barista, not associated with the café.

“The barista making it is essentially wasting milk underneath that froth because it’s not textured to use for another coffee most of the time,” they said.

“Most places also give marshmallows or something small too, the takeaway cup and lid and the baristas time as a staff member all costs money. However I wouldn’t pay $4 for it myself.

“At some stage customers wanted this on the menu, so pricing will change as it needs with inflation, wage increases, produce/product items increased also.

“Most baristas can’t stand making them especially when really busy and the amount of time I’ve had customers waiting on their coffee order blatantly stare at me impatiently waiting whilst watching me scoop froth to a tiny cup is countless and annoying.”

The barista’s take on the situation didn’t stop the anger.

“I have never seen a babycino more than $2,” one social media poster said.

 “That’s absolutely ridiculous no way I would pay $4 for a babycino especially because I get a latte and it would just be the bit of foam off the top of the milk they use for it,” another stated.

Those looking for a babycino should perhaps stop by McDonalds where they are 90 cents to $1 depending on location or to Bunnings which offers them for free with the purchase of a coffee.




Jonathan Jackson, 22nd November 2023