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To clean or not to clean up after your child messes up a restaurant

Mum of two Courtney Witucki believes that all parents should clean up after their messy children when dining out.

"Unpopular opinion, but you should always clean up after your babies at restaurants..." she stated on social media.

"If you’re not cleaning up after your kids, I really hope you’re leaving a fat tip."

The video post garnered hundreds of thousands of views and many hundreds of comments.

"As a prior waitress of five years... Don’t clean up after your children, let us do it!" one hospitality worker said.

Another said: "Server of 15 years, and I would never let any of my guests do this, sorry."

"They have big mops to clean away mess for this reason," was another comment.

One mum chimed in saying that if a child is having a meltdown it may be better to leave immediately, or if the mother was pregnant it may not be feasible.

Another brought up safety concerns.

"You might not do a safe job - like with a spill that needs to be cleaned up properly, or else you'll leave a puddle on the floor," someone else pointed out.

"This is what waiters are there for," another said.

Some defended the mum calling it respect and basic decency.

"YES! When people say ‘They get paid to clean it up’ drives me nuts. It’s called respect," someone replied.

"Absolutely. Do I let my kid have fun and make a mess? Yes. Do I clean up the mess after? Also, yes."

One final comment was, "I get so many stares doing this, but I would rather be stared at for this than leave a huge mess."



Jonathan Jackson, 9th May 2024