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Minimum wages increase from 1 July 2024

From 1 July 2024:

  • the National Minimum Wage increases to $915.90 per week or $24.10 per hour.
  • award minimum wages increase by 3.75%.

Other award wages will get a proportionate increase. This includes junior, apprentice and supported wages that are based on adult minimum wages.

The increase applies from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024.

These pay rate increases follow the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review 2023-24.

What you can do now

We’ve updated our tools and resources. You can:  

Other changes

From 1 July 2024, there are other changes employers and employees should know about. These include:

From 26 August 2024, there are further changes as part of the ‘Closing Loopholes’ laws. These could impact you or your business, so make sure you’re prepared. These include:

For a visual snapshot of all the Closing Loopholes changes, including when they start, check out our easy-to-read timeline.

For more information on enterprise bargaining and agreement changes, check out our visual summary.

Learn more about other changes at 2023 - 2024 Annual Wage Review.



Fair Work Ombudsman, 1st July 2024