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Back-to-back blockbusters boost hospitality sector

Industry has welcomed the announcement of a new blockbuster exhibition Turner from the Tate for winter 2013 that will provide a major boost for Canberra’s tourism and hospitality sector, the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) ACT Branch said today (December 7).

The National Gallery of Australia (NGA) has announced the Turner from the Tate: The Making of Master will run in winter 2013 (June to September) and feature 110 works from celebrated British artist Joseph Mallord William Turner.

AHA-ACT General Manager Brad Watts applauded the NGA for securing back-to-back blockbusters for 2013.

“Canberra’s Centenary year is now set to be an even bigger drawcard for interstate tourists, especially with the French Toulouse-Lautrec summer exhibition and now the Turner from the Tate blockbuster covering the 100th birthday year,” Mr Watts said.

“Whenever the NGA hosts major exhibitions, the hotel sector finds that it directly translates into room nights, which boosts the local industry and economy, especially during the quieter months for businesses.”

Mr Watts said winter was traditionally a “down period” for local hotels and hospitality, with business and parliamentary travel drying up over the cold months.

“But having the Turner from the Tate exhibition, featuring one of Britain’s greatest artists, will certain provide a spike in tourist numbers for the nation’s capital, which is a very welcomed trend.”

“Local restaurants, venues and pubs will also strongly benefit from the influx of tourists throughout Centenary festivities.”

Mr Watts said Canberra continued to enjoy a hotel ‘room boom’ with more than 220 top-end hotel rooms recently being opened, including East Hotel – 140 contemporary new rooms and Abode Tuggeranong – 82 rooms.  Several new hotels are also expected to open in early 2013, including in the New Acton precinct.

There are currently around 5000* hotel rooms available across the ACT – this new ‘room boom’ is the latest example of the recent regeneration and investment in the burgeoning ACT accommodation industry.


Source: Australian Hotels Association ACT, 11 December 2012