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WA Hospitality calls for payroll tax reform

The Australian Hotels Association (WA) has joined with Western Australia’s business community calling for the major political parties to commit to reform payroll tax which stifles small business throughout the state and prevents more jobs being created.

AHA(WA) CEO Mr Bradley Woods said reform of payroll tax was desperately needed in WA.

“The majority of the hospitality industry is made up of small businesses who are now burdened with a state payroll tax which penalises employers for hiring more staff.

“Payroll tax has not been reviewed for almost a decade; it is well past the time our major political parties committed to relieving small business of the burden.

“The AHA believes a mechanism should be developed by which employers providing training or engaging apprentices are provided with an incentive via payroll tax relief.

“This change would provide relief for hospitality businesses and help develop staff much needed in the industry.”


Source: Australian Hotels Association, Western Australia, 25 February 2013