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AHA (NSW) CEO visits Armidale and backs STOP! Campaign

AHA (NSW) CEO Paul Nicolaou will pay his first official visit to Armidale tomorrow to meet with local hoteliers and discuss the challenges facing the industry in an election year.

Mr Nicolaou will meet with publicans at the Wicklow Hotel tomorrow afternoon to be updated on local issues.

He said he would also be discussing the new STOP! Is It worth $550 campaign being rolled out across NSW.

The “fail to quit” campaign has seen posters, beer coasters and flyers being placed in prominent places throughout New England hotels warning out of control patrons that they face a hefty fine if they don’t leave when told by staff.

Mr Nicolaou said the vast majority of Armidale pub patrons did the right thing when they enjoyed a night out.

“This is aimed directly at those few idiots who are violent or out of control,” he said.

“Quite simply they will be fined $550 by police if they refuse to leave a licensed venue when asked by hotel management.

“Assault rates at hotels across New England are already at the lowest rates in over a decade due to the hard work of publicans, police and the local community.

“The STOP! Campaign is about making sure people are responsible for their own actions. If they know there is a penalty involved they will be less likely to misbehave on licensed premises or they will be $550 poorer.”

The STOP! campaign is backed by the Australian Hotels Association (NSW), the NSW Police Force and ClubsNSW.



Source: Australian Hotels Association NSW