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Byron Bay Liquor Accord steps up and takes tough measures to deal with street violence

The Byron Bay Liquor Accord has stepped up and taken strong action to reduce alcohol-related anti-social behaviour in the town with a range of measures including the trial of a 1.30am lockout.

All Accord members have agreed to introduce new evidence-based measures this week including a trial of stringent measures to reduce antisocial behaviour in and around the town centre.

Accord chairperson Hannah Spalding said the new strategies were a holistic approach, developed in close consultation with the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing.

“These are common-sense measures that we feel will go a long way towards actually addressing the issues,” she said. “We know that most of the incidents are occurring in public places and we know the times, so we have voluntarily agreed to introduce measures aimed at targeting actual problems.”

“These measures build on those the accord has in place. The accord already has tougher measures in place to address peak periods such as Schoolies and New Year’s Eve and we will be continuing those strategies”

“This is about licensees in Byron doing what we can to show we are part of the community. We will continue working with all stakeholders and that includes NSW Police.”

New terms include:

  • Service of alcohol to cease 15 min before close of late trading venues (Friday/Saturday nights).
  • Refuse entry to persons seen drinking within 50m of approach to venues.
  • Adhere to a standard barring policy and a multi-venue barring of patrons strategy.

The Accord has also agreed to conduct a trial of the following terms between 21 March 2013 and 21 September 2013:

  • 1.30am lockout - all nights.
  • No doubles spirits (eg vodka orange, rum & coke etc) at any time.
  • No jugs of alcoholic beverages at any time.
  • No Cocktails after Midnight.
  • No shooters/shots at any time.
  • 4 drink maximum per person after midnight all days.
  • No energy drinks with alcohol after 2am.
  • No “ready to drink beverage” containing more than 5% alcohol at any time.
  • A minimum of one dedicated RSA marshals will be deployed in all venues trading past midnight on Saturdays.

Terms specific to Byron Bay bottle shop

  • Cask wine greater than 2L will not be sold/supplied to the general Public
  • BBLA Bottle shops will not sell alcoholic energy drinks, “super-cheap” cleanskins wines or sell alcohol below cost to general public as part of regular trade activities.
  • Paper bags with responsible consumption of alcohol messages will be used.

As a separate strategy all Bottleshops will close by 11pm for a trial period of 6 months from the 21st March.



Source: Australian Hotels Association NSW, 11 March 2013