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Next Brisbane’s makeover starts

Next Brisbane Terrace EDITED

SilverNeedle has commenced the major refurbishment of Chifley at Lennons hotel in Brisbane.

To be known as Next Brisbane, the property will feature 300 rooms once construction – currently being undertaken by Hutchinson Builders – is completed.

“We are very excited to be entering the construction phase for Next Brisbane,” said SilverNeedle Hospitality Managing Director and Group CEO, Iqbal Jumabhoy.

“This project will bring many benefits to retailers, businesses, residents and visitors while providing much needed hotel rooms and food & beverage offerings in its iconic location.”

According to SilverNeedle, Hutchinson Builders was chosen to lead this project “based on their solid reputation in Brisbane and their significant track record of successfully completing projects in the region”.

“The teams at SilverNeedle Hospitality and Hutchinson Builders are committed to working closely with the Brisbane City Council and local stakeholders to ensure the project meets the city’s long-term vision for Burnett Lane and the Queen St Mall,” the company said.

Brisbane’s Lord Mayor, Graham Quirk, expressed his support for the project, saying hotel development was an economic priority for the city.

“Brisbane’s hotel industry has experienced strong trading conditions over a number of years and has the capacity for an additional 299-446 hotel rooms a year for the next 10 years to meet current and future demand,” Cr Quirk said.

“This investment by SilverNeedle is a great step in the right direction to ensure the city can comfortably cater to the growing number of leisure and business tourists, as well accommodate the G20 Leaders Summit in 2014.

“I congratulate SilverNeedle and look forward to the next step in the revitalisation of the Queen Street Mall and Burnett Lane precincts.”

SilverNeedle said it is anticipated that construction of Next Brisbane will be completed by mid-2014 and launched prior to the November 2014 G20 Leaders Summit.


Source: Hotel Management, 17 April 2013