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Barnett urged to' deliver' on hotel site pledge

The Western Australian Opposition says the State Government is wavering in its threat to reclaim one of Albany's prime vacant lots.

Before the election, the Premier wrote to the Singaporean owners of the former Esplanade Hotel site at Middleton Beach, threatening to reclaim it if it was not sold or developed soon.

Colin Barnett says the owners' reply indicates they wish to sell it but he has refused to say what would happen if the land is not sold.

"I don't deal in hypotheticals," he said.

Albany MP Peter Watson says that is not good enough.

"Now his answer to me in Parliament was, 'oh they're going to sell it', well we've known for four or five years that they're going to sell it but he said they were going to force them to sell it," he said.

"He tried to con the people of Albany and it hasn't worked and now he's got to deliver, because he's made this promise."


Source: ABC News, 19 April 2013