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New privacy laws warning

IAB Australia has used the start of Privacy Awareness Week to warn businesses that they have less than a year to prepare for the new privacy laws which come into effect on 12 March 2014.

Changes to the privacy law will impact direct marketing; handling of information; disclosure of information; and will include the introduction of new civil penalties and enforceable undertakings where a breech has occurred. The privacy commissioner will also have the power to conduct performance assessments of private sector organisations to determine if they are handling personal information accordance with the new rules.

According to Samantha Yorke, director of regulatory affairs, those involved in advertising and marketing should take steps to review their online practices and data collection processes and make any necessary changes in plenty of time before the new law comes into effect. "This year is a significant one for privacy and many businesses will find that they have some work to do to ensure they are fully compliant before March 2013," said Ms Yorke



Source: AccomNews, 1 May 2013