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Inspectors to check hotel safety progress

The Hindmarsh Shire is sending its building inspectors to the Dimboola Hotel today, to assess court-ordered safety improvement works.

The hotel's owner was ordered by a Horsham court to complete the works by Tuesday.

The council says the building was burnt out several years ago and the owner Paul Rintel has planning permission for its redevelopment.

However, chief executive Dean Miller says legal action could continue against him if the necessary progress has not been made.

"Those included bracing of walls, removal of tiles, etc," he said.

"We'll send a building surveyor over to have a look at the site, to reassess what works have been undertaken and to assess whether Mr Rintel has complied with those court orders.

"Council and the community of Dimboola would really love to see that hotel rebuilt - maybe not to its former glory but at least back to a functioning hotel."



Source: ABC News, 2 May 2013