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Industry calls for craft brewer support overhaul

A not-for-profit association for ‘real’ craft beer producers has released a white paper calling to the government to provide excise relief and funding for a sustainable industry.

The Australian Real Craft Beer Association (ARCBA) is seeking the support of political parties in the upcoming May budget to help the craft beer industry build strong independent brewers, create jobs and become export-ready.

The paper calls for an increase in excise tax rebates for small and independent brewers to $300,000, with a view to further increases over time to “bring Australia in line with the average for OECD countries”.

The ARCBA claims every dollar provided in excise relief will return five dollars in GST, employment and taxes, and contribute $27.70 in total economic revenues to local and regional communities.

It states overseas data claims 15 new jobs in beer-related industries such as hospitality, retail and tourism for every new job created in a brewery.

The white paper also suggests a portion of excise tax revenue is put toward financial support for ‘Real Craft Brewers’ to develop a national brand, educate brewers and explore export opportunities, and further develop the beer tourism industry.

As well as revised excise spending, the ARCBA wants access to investment grants for small brewers to improve their energy efficiency and foster tourism, and government support for increasing the value-add for Australia’s malt export industry.

"It is time to get behind Australian small independent brewers, bringing Australian real craft beer in line with the rest of the world, providing access to investment funding to grow the real craft beer industry and letting Australians enjoy and appreciate real craft beers," said David Hollyoak, ARCBA Chairman. 


Source: The Shout, 6 May 2013