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Coalition IR policy is a positive start

The Coalition’s industrial relations policy is a positive start which lays the foundation for meaningful change, however further reform is required if it wins this year’s federal election, according to the accommodation industry.

The Accommodation Association of Australia says the Coalition is attempting to redress the imbalance in the current system so that businesses and employees alike will benefit, which is an encouraging first step.

“The Coalition has unveiled an industrial relations platform which promotes fair, productive and efficient workplaces which will lead to higher living standards, better pay and more jobs for Australians,” said the Association’s Chief Executive Officer, Richard Munro.

“For those accommodation businesses which do have enterprise agreements in place or are contemplating entering into one, the changes to the enterprise bargaining process will be welcome.  “As are the commitments to assist small businesses.

“However, the labour-intensive nature of the accommodation industry means without further reform to the Fair Work Act after the federal election, businesses in our sector will continue to be held back.

“The accommodation industry also looks forward to the independent review to be conducted by the Productivity Commission, which has been promised, where it is our intention to highlight that the number one issue with current legislation for our industry is unfair dismissal.

“Arbitration has been virtually compelling employers to reach financial settlements with employees, despite some claims being trivial and unfair.

“But overall, the Coalition’s proposals for changes to right-of-entry provisions, tighter regulations for unions and more leniency by the Fair Work Ombudsman, among other things, are excellent initiatives.”

Source:  HMAA - 9 May 2013